This is a thematic Children’s Ballet class CD from Old MacDonald’s Farm, supervised by Juliana Lima and Michelle Alves, both specialized in dance education for children from 3 to 6 years and creators of “Canal Balletzinho” in Brazil.
by Bruno Lawrence Raco
©Copyright - Bruno Lawrence Raco
Genre: Classical: Ballet
Release Date: 2021
1. Old MacDonald's Song / Narrative - Free Movement
2. Warm-up Walking on Demi Pointe (Chicken)
3. Feet Flex / Stretch, Plié (Duck))
4. Skips (Dog)
5. Pas De Chat (Cat)
6. Pas De Cheval (Horse)
7. Grand Jeté (Cow)
8. Grand Jeté 2 (Horse)
9. Rolling On The Floor (Pig)
Album Notes:
The CD contains 9 original pieces of music, composed especially to the purpose of initiating children to proper ballet training. The different characters of "Exercises" will help them to recognize variations in mood and rhythm in music thus enhancing their musicality.
Every track is focused on a certain exercise and allows an activity to be developed that is associated with an animal from Old MacDonald’s farm nursery rhyme, to make it more fun for the little dancers. For example, track no. 3 would be carried out on Old MacDonald's duck:
-Resource: Duck pond
-Purpose: Footwork with plié
-Execution: Standing, placed in a circle, around the lake, the children will do the work of flexing/stretching the foot (Duck/Swan), to the rhythm of the suggested song. At the music break, where there will be a duck squawk, the children will do demi plié.
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