The original compositions and familiar songs on this album respond to the demand for a wide range of music to use in teaching ballet. All music begins with a four count introduction and in the center, the selections are longer to allow for several group of dancers.
by Bruno Lawrence Raco
©Copyright - Bruno Lawrence Raco
Genre: Classical: Ballet
Release Date: 2013
1. Plié
2. Tendu 1
3. Tendu 2
4. Degagé 1
5. Degagé 2
6. Degagé 3
7. Pas de Cheval
8. Ronds de Jambe
9. Frappé
10. Fondu
11. Ronds en l'air
12. Petit Battements
13. Stretching / Adagio
14. Grand Battement
15. Adagio
16. Center Practice
17. Travelling Center Practice
18. Pirouettes
19. Allegro 1
20. Allegro 2
21. Allegro 3
22. Allegro 4
23. Allegro 5
24. Allegro 6
25. Allegro 7
26. Grand Allegro
27. Travelling Turns
28. Travelling Turns 2
29. Port de Bras
Album Notes:
The original compositions and familiar songs on this album respond to the demand for a wide range of music to use in teaching ballet.
Bruno Raco have been playing for ballet classes for almost fifteen years in Germany, Switzerland and Italy both for companies and ballet schools. He plays also for the "Prix de Lausanne" and the "Beijing International Competition".
In this compact disc all music begins with a four count introduction and in the center, the selections are longer to allow for several groups of dancers.
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