This playlist contains the most popular and well known Christmas songs arranged for your ballet class intermediate level. The different styles and moods will inspire the teacher to create a special Christmas atmosphere and the longer combinations in the center will allow more groups to dance.
by Bruno Lawrence Raco
© Copyright - Bruno Lawrence Raco
Genre: Instrumental Piano: Ballet
Release Date: 2020
1. Warm-up "Once Upon A December"
2. Warm up "Oh Holy Night"
3. Pliés "Silent Night"
4. Pliés "Hallelujah"
5. Tendu "The Little Drummer Boy"
6. Tendu "Feliz Navidad"
7. Tendu "Joy To The World"
8. Jeté "Let It Snow"
9. Jeté "Pat-A-Pan
10. Jeté "Up On The Housetop"
11. Ronds De Jambe "The Birthday Of A King"
12. Rond De Jambe "We Three Kings Of Orient Are"
13. Fondu "Oh Christmas Tree"
14. Fondu "The Moon And The Stars Of Christmas Eve"
15. Frappé "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing"
16. Frappé "Ding Dong Merrily On High"
17. Grand Battement "March Of The Three Kings"
18. Grand Battement "Oh Come All Ye Faithfull"
19. Stretching "Buon Natale"
20. Adagio "White Christmas"
21. Tendu Centre "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer"
22. Tendu Centre "Sugar Plum Fairy"
23. Pirouettes "We Wish You A Merry Christmas"
24. Pirouettes "The First Noel"
25. Petit Allegro "Jingle Bells"
26. Assemblé "I Saw Three Ships"
27. Medium Jump "Go Tell It On The Mountain"
28. Grand Allegro "Last Christmas"
29. Grand Allegro "Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle"
30. Coda "Here Comes Santa Claus"
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