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This is a collection of music for ballet class selected and arranged for the period  of Halloween. It’s well known spooky melodies and challenging music will give you the right mood for this special occasion. It will also increase  musicality and the ability to listen and follow the music.


By Bruno Lawrence Raco



1. Warm Up 1: A Song of Ice and Fire Theme from Game of Thrones

2. Warm Up 2: Victor’s Piano Solo from Corpse Bride

3. Warm Up 3: I Put a Spell on You from Hocus Pocus

4. Plié 1: Opening Titles from Edward Scissorhands

5. Plié 2: The Swan from Carnival of the Animals

6. Tendu 1: Jack’s Lament from The Nightmare Before Christmas

7. Tendu 2: Kidnap The Sandy Claws from The Nightmare Before Christmas

8. Jeté 1: Town Meeting Song - Jack Easy from The Nightmare Before Christmas

9. Jeté 2: Town Meeting Song - Jack Faster from The Nightmare Before Christmas

10. Jeté 3: Flight of the Bumblebee

11. Rond de Jambe 1: Poor Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas

12. Rond de Jambe 2: Fluffy’s Harp from Harry Potter

13. Fondu 1: Sally’s Song from The Nightmare Before Christmas

14. Fondu 2: Libertango

15. Frappé: What’s This? from The Nightmare Before Christmas

16. Grand Battement 1: Poor Jack March-Like from The Nightmare Before Christmas

17. Grand Battement 2: The Imperial March - Darth Vader's Theme from Star Wars

18. Adagio 1: Black Swan Pas De Deux from The Swan Lake

19. Adagio 2: Adagio de Albinoni



20. Tendu Center + Quick Jeté: In The Hall of the Mountain King from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46

21. Balancé: Jack’s Obsession from The Nightmare Before Christmas

22. Pirouettes 1: Anitra’s Dance from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46

23. Pirouettes 2: The Addams Family Theme Song

24. Sauté: Psycho Theme (Prelude)

25. Jeté Temps Levé 1: Coulante, Fleur de Farine Variation II from The Sleeping Beauty

26. Jeté Temps Levé 2: Remains of the Day from Corpse Bride

27. Pas de Valse 1: Jack’s Lament from The Nightmare Before Christmas

28. Pas de Valse 2: Potter Waltz from Harry Potter

29. Sissonne: Die Fledermaus

30. Grand Allegro: Harry’s Wondrous World from Harry Potter

31. Coda: Nimbus 2000 from Harry Potter

32. Révérence: Gnossienne

Music for Ballet Class - Halloween, Vol. 2

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    Halloween Ballet Class, Vol. 3


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