The original compositions and familiar songs on this album respond to the demand for a wide range of music to use in teaching ballet. All music begins with a four count introduction and in the center, the selections are longer to allow for several group of dancers.
By Bruno Lawrence Raco
1. Plie
2. Tendu 1
3. Tendu 2
4. Degagé 1
5. Degagé 2
6. Degagé 3
7. Pas de Cheval
8. Ronds de Jambe
9. Frappé
10. Fondu
11. Ronds en l´air
12. Petit Battements
13. Stretching/Adagio
14. Grand Battement
15. Adagio
16. Center Practice
17. Travelling Center Practice
18. Pirouettes
19. Allegro 1
20. Allegro 2
21. Allegro 3
22. Allegro 4
23. Allegro 5
24. Allegro 6
25. Allegro 7
26. Grand Allegro
27. Travelling Turns
28. Travelling Turns 2
29. Port de Bras
30. Jeté
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